| News Comment | Saints New Kit Looks Good ! But It's Not Stripes ! at 12:08:13
Hi Nick Watched your site for years but only just signed up. I am a Saint up here in Merseyside, with historical links to the club back in the 80's!! I really like the new shirt and is a good throwback to the golden years of the early 80's. The problem with the stripes is that we end up looking like Sunderland and Stoke, which is a bad thing. At least this new shirt is something different and this is one of the benefits the new deal with UA brings the club. Funny how the design lasted for 5 years in the 80's with only the sponsor changing. As for the poor Replica Shirt Sales in the 90's & 00's this was due to a deal being struck with a 3rd party to look after this side of things and we only got a small cut. At least this has changed now and even spotted that Sports Direct are selling our kits. Keep up the good work! |
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